Please Note:
- You can open one ticket against single purchase code. You can place all your queries in the same ticket.
- Support team works from Monday to Friday
- One support ticket is responded up to 2 times in a working day
- To get complete and fast answer, always give complete details of issues and bugs with help of screen shots in one message and include admin and ftp details.
Purchase code
You need purchase code to create a ticket. Please follow the link below to locate purchase code of your product. Click Here
Item support includes
- Availability of the author to answer questions
- Answering technical questions about item’s features
- Assistance with reported bugs and issues
- Help with included 3rd party assets
Item support does not include:
- Customization services
- Installation services
I accept these term and policies Continue & create new ticket

Why to Customize Theme?
We understand that every theme does not fit to 100% needs of every buyer, thus modification becomes necessary. We know our theme more than anybody does, we can modify it to match your exact needs. We have advantage to develping the theme, thus we are most economical in customization market. You can request a quote for your project here: Customization Portal